ClipMate can now run completely self-contained from USB Thumb Drives, including the PortableApps menu. You can even run from a "bare" drive with no menu system. When in portable mode, ClipMate does not need to be installed on the host computer, nor will it leave licensing information behind.
The license is stored on the removable drive, along with settings and the database. Some files will be temporarily stored on the host machine (for performance reasons, or to reduce disk wear on the portable drive), but are removed at shutdown or device removal.
We recommend the use of a menu/launcher system, such PortableApps (free, open platform from www.PortableApps.com, which can be added to any USB drive). These consist of an "autorun" feature that launches a menu, from which you can run your portable programs, and have a structured approach to where portable programs store their data and settings.
Portable ClipMate is licensed the same way as regular ClipMate. You can run ClipMate simultaneously on your computer, plus one other computer where you are the primary user. That usually means your desktop and a laptop, or another desktop.
With the Portable option, you are still licensed within that "one computer plus one more" framework, however it is not expected that you are the primary user of whatever machine you run the portable version on. So you can run it on your desktop and also place a license on your USB drive, and take that with you and run it on any computer. But you need to ensure that you do not exceed the total number of licenses purchased. If you need another license, contact Brenda in sales, and she'll give you a quote on a license extension.
The license keys for the portable version are the same as the regular version. You can easily copy the license with the following procedure:
First, make sure that your desktop ClipMate is at version 7.2.00 or later. Run it at least once, then shut it down with File | Exit ClipMate. If you are running an earlier version on your desktop, Click HERE to update it.
Next, download whichever portable version you need, for your particular device.
Click HERE for PortableApps Format (.PAF.EXE) Installer, for "bare" drives or drives with the PortableApps menu.
(Notes on installing on PortableApps)
(Notes on installing on "Bare" drives)