[includes/icra.htm] |
New Features In ClipMate 6.5
- Free download for
registered 6.0/6.1/6.2/6.3 users.
- $29.95 Full Price
- $19.95 Upgrade from version
4 or 5.
- Multi-user and Site licenses
- Free 30-day, full-featured
- CD Edition also available


This screenshot shows the new "sounds" dialog shows the new "browse"
button which can assign any .WAV file to a clip event. Its
simpler design is also much easier to understand.
New Features
Find & Replace - ClipMate's editor now features Find &
Replace, which can be used to interactively search for, and
(optionally) replace text.
- Find & Replace is also a new option in the
Text Cleanup
facility, and can even handle Regular Expressions (RegEx).
Outbound Clip Filtering - Have you ever wanted to paste data
as "text only", without the HTML or RTF formatting? Now it's
easy - just set the new "filter" button, and ClipMate will
provide only the basic data formats (Text or Bitmap) to the
clipboard. Unlike the "strip non-text formats", the original
data remains intact.
- Updated Menus - they're not just pretty, they're more
useful, showing the state of options like "exploding powerpaste"
more clearly.
- New localization kit - will make localizing to YOUR native
language easy.
Sound Events are now customizable, and the sound event
dialog is improved.
Invert Case - Did you leave the cAPS lOCK turned on? Now you
can "flip" the case, giving you "Caps Lock" instead.
- "URL Crunch" option for the Line-Break removal tool.
Hold down SHIFT as you remove linebreaks, and text is joined
with no extra spaces - perfect for un-wrapping long URLs.
Other Enhancements
- Improved registration key input dialog box.
- Several major libraries were upgraded, keeping ClipMate
development on the latest compiler and database engine versions.

Here we see the new Find & Replace option in the Text
Cleanup. We're changing "This" to "That", but only if it is
at the beginning of a line (That's due to the "^" symbol). |
Fixes In This Release:
Also See:
For information about upgrading from v5 to v6, see:
[includes/news1.htm][includes/links.htm][includes/buzz.htm] |