[includes/icra.htm] |
New Features In ClipMate 6.3
- Free download for
registered 6.0/6.1/6.2 users.
- $29.95 Full Price
- $19.95 Upgrade from version
4 or 5.
- Multi-user and Site licenses
- Free 30-day, full-featured
- CD Edition also available

Also See:

This screenshot of the Print Preview shows the Bitmap Scaling at work.
This image is automatically enlarged to use more of the paper -
especially handy with small images on high-resolution printers.
The image being printed happens to be a screenshot of the new
Auto-Update wizard.. |
New Features
- Automatic Update - ClipMate can now (if
you allow) check for program updates in the background and
notify you when updates are available. See
Automatic Update for full details.
- Comprehensive Database Recovery -
eliminates database corruption more effectively than the repair
feature in previous versions of ClipMate 6.
- Printing Enhancement - Bitmap Scaling -
When you print small bitmaps, they can now be scaled up to use
more of the paper, instead of printing at native printer
resolution. The print routine will scale smaller bitmaps up, if
there's room. If there isn't room, it will print as large as
possible, given the space.
- New menu options: Expand All and Collapse
All, allow you to quickly expand or collapse the
collection tree, in ClipMate Explorer.
- Improved registration key input dialog
- URL Highlighting - The preview/edit
window, which highlights URLS automatically, can now handle URLS
longer than 255 characters (yes, we found examples of really,
really, long URLs), and it can also handle URLs with quotes,
periods, curly braces, etc.. Anything except spaces, tabs, or <>
- Improvements to the "KeepAlive"
function, which automatically detects and corrects broken
clipboard connections. Previous versions could cause problems
(repeated captures or rejects) if the KeepAlive acted too
- The "show
non-printing characters" option now is remembered between
- There is now a new global hotkey for
"show current clip". This opens a floating window,
viewing/editing the current clip. Default: Ctrl+Alt+F2,
and you can re-assign as needed (we like F2).
- You can now add the "explode into
fragments" PowerPaste option to the Classic toolbar.
Fixes In This Release:
Also See:
For information about upgrading from v5 to v6, see:
[includes/news1.htm][includes/links.htm][includes/buzz.htm] |