[includes/icra.htm] |
New Features In ClipMate 6.1
- Free download for
registered 6.0 users.
- $29.95 Full Price
- $19.95 Upgrade from version
4 or 5.
- Multi-user and Site licenses
- Free 30-day, full-featured
- CD Edition also available

Also See:

This screenshot shows the new Keyword Highlighting, Thesaurus support,
and Word/Character count (on the titlebar).
Click for a larger image. |
New Features
- Keyword
Highlighting enhances the searching by highlighting the
search terms in the editor as you review the resulting clips
returned from the search. Or, you can turn on Keyword
Highlighting locally within the editor, and use
independently of the search facility.
- Roget's Thesaurus is now
integrated into ClipMate (if installed). Right-click on any word
in the editor window, and you can look up alternate words. The
file is a separate download, available on our
dictionary download page.
Searching Improvements
- % Wildcard - this adds more
flexibility the the searching, as you can use the % wildcard before,
after, or within a search string. The old * wildcard was limited to
the end of keywords. Users familiar with SQL databases will
recognize this as the %like% operator.
- Collection Search - you can
now restrict the searching to any collection.
Performance Improvements
- Faster Load Time - ClipMate6.1
should now load several seconds faster than ClipMate 6.0.
- QuickPick has been enhanced
for better performance when filtering large collections. No
filtering will actually take place until you've entered two
consecutive search characters, therefore avoiding the glut of
results when you first invoke the function.
Other Enhancements
- Small Toolbar Icons - Just
like the small toolbar icons in Classic, you can now have small
icons in Explorer and the Editor as well.
- Visually Impaired users will
appreciate the ability to turn off the fancy HTML Tooltips, HTML
Buttons, and menus with icons. Those features interfered with some
screen reading programs.
- Word Count - A count of the
Words, Characters, and Bytes in a Text clip is now displayed in the
status bar of ClipMate Explorer. If you are using a floating editor,
then the count appears in the titlebar. Trying to fill in a webform
with a character or word limit? Now you can see the count as you
- Graphics in HTML - ClipMate
can more reliably display images from your Internet Explorer cache,
when displaying HTML clips.
- Sort Indicators on column
headings - now they are oriented like they are in most other
For information about upgrading from v5 to v6, see:
[includes/news1.htm][includes/links.htm][includes/buzz.htm] |