[includes/icra.htm] |
New Features In ClipMate 6.2
- Free download for
registered 6.0/6.1 users.
- $29.95 Full Price
- $19.95 Upgrade from version
4 or 5.
- Multi-user and Site licenses
- Free 30-day, full-featured
- CD Edition also available

Also See:

This screenshot shows the new backup/restore settings and status.
Now it's even easier to ensure that your important data is safely
backed up - all without leaving or restarting ClipMate.
Click for a larger image. |
New Features
- Online Backup and Restore - Now you
can run the Backup and Restore database operations without having
to restart the program.
- Dynamic logon/logoff for secondary
databases - activate a "dormant" database or disconnect from a
shared network database, without restarting.
- "Magnetic" borders of ClipMate
Explorer and Classic will now "snap" to the screen edge when
within 16 pixels. This allows easy positioning in the corners or
near screen edges.
- Application Profile Enhancements -
Improved performance during clipboard capture, and a redesigned
user interface.
- Better support for international
character sets, like Japanese Shift-JIS. All display font
settings now include the "Script" option, enabling the display of
Kanji characters, accents, and other attributes that depend on the
character set being set correctly.
- Experimental New Feature:
Included in 6.2.08 is the ability to filter out those silly little
nuisance icons that sometimes appear when you launch certain
applications with plug-ins like Acrobat. Have you ever
launched Outlook, Word or Excel, and heard a mysterious "pop" as a
little icon appears in ClipMate? That happens when plug-ins use
the clipboard to add their icons to the toolbar via copy 'n'
paste. This is a lazy programmer trick, and we frown upon
this. But years of frowning is starting to make us look grumpy, so
we've taken matters into our own hands. The new filtering in
6.2.08 (and later) will avoid many (but not yet all) of these.
Feedback is welcome to
support@thornsoft.com if you notice this feature at work.
If it rejects the data, it'll silently log the event in the event
log at the bottom of ClipMate Explorer.
Note: This feature is fully explained
Other Enhancements
- The editor can now show the "non-printing characters",
such as line-breaks, spaces, and tabs which will be shown as: ¶ ·
», respectively.
- Component Upgrades - We've updated to the latest version
of the database engine, spellcheck engine, printing engine, HTML
Controls, and editor component. This will add stability.
- High DPI Displays - This version can more easily
accommodate display settings that use very large fonts or
non-standard DPI settings, without having odd scaling, overlapping
controls, or menu wrapping problems. If you had to add buttons to
the Classic toolbar to enable the menu to fit on one row, you will
probably find that this is no longer necessary.
- Bitmap Viewing - the Scroll/Scale/Stretch options are now
remembered from one session to the next.
- The Select Collection button on the main toolbar can now
be used to advance to the next collection (like in ClipMate 5), OR
bring up the Select Collection menu (like previous versions of v6).
- The Select Collection menu now accurately reflects the
collection hierarchy and sort order.
- You can now access the "visibility" (always on top,
normal, auto-hide) settings from the main and system tray menus.
- Alt+Enter now brings up the Clip Properties dialog.
Also See:
For information about upgrading from v5 to v6, see:
[includes/news1.htm][includes/links.htm][includes/buzz.htm] |