Advanced > Macro Pasting
Similar to Templates, Macro Pasting allows dynamic substitution of elements within the text of a clip, such as the date/time, URL, etc.. But where Templates work via the clipboard, Macros work by sending the clip as KEYSTROKES into the target program. This allows navigation with keys like TAB and ENTER, and you can even use key modifiers like CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT. Since Macros send keystrokes into the target program, it must be invoked via QuickPaste, where you double-click or press ENTER on an entry in the ClipList, to send the clip to the target application.
Macro clips are plain text, but are marked specially with the "macro" flag, found in the Clip Properties dialog box. You can also toggle it on/off with the right-click menu in the ClipList, or you can add the "toggle macro" button to the editor toolbar. Clips flagged as macros are shown with this icon in the cliplist: 
If you load the "samples" collection, you'll see some examples of Macro clips. A simple one looks like this:
With this clip, the text "MyUserID" would be typed, then a TAB sends the cursor to the next field, and then the "MyPassword" text gets typed, followed by ENTER. You would substitute your actual userid/password, in this case.
Supported modifiers:
~ = Shift
^ = Control
@ = Alt
You can send any of these as a literal character by encasing in {} brackets.
ex: to send an e-mail address: just code it as: me{@}
Supported key names (surround these with {} braces):
Follow the keyname with a space and a number to send the specified key a given number of times (e.g., {left 6}).
Replacement Tags:
• | #DATE# - date of capture |
• | #TIME# - time of capture |
• | #CREATOR# - source application |
• | #URL# - URL that item was copied from, if from a browser, and IF URL can be determined. |
• | #CURRENTDATE# - right now |
• | #CURRENTTIME# - right now |
• | #SEQUENCE# - sequence number - 1, 2, 3, etc..RESET from the templates menu. |
• | #PAUSE# - Pause for a half second. |
Additionally, you NEED to use {ENTER} after each line of text, in order for it to skip down to the next line. Naturally-occurring linebreaks in the text are not processed.